,,Schreib oder Stirb'' Der Buchraub!
At the premiere of "Schreib oder Stirb!" there was probably the most unusual prize in the history of book printing to be won: A bookshop break-in! At the stroke of midnight, two brave fans were able to steal the very first, closely guarded copy of "Write or Die!" - one week before it officially went on sale. Exclusive evidence of what the winners experienced in the process can be seen here...

The bestseller from
Fitzek & Beisenherz.
"Schreib oder Stirb" is a thriller that will have readers trembling with tension on one page, laughing on the next, until it gets stuck in their throats again a moment later!
The extraordinary thriller by author duo Sebastian Fitzek and Micky Beisenherz made it straight to the top of the SPIEGEL bestseller list.

"Swipe" for the correct answer.
Fans were able to win a criminally good price for a criminally good
win a book. To do so, they had to answer 20 funny, scary and absurd questions.
to the two authors in the Fitzek-Beisenherz quiz by swiping
and found out even more about the two authors.

Fans become accomplices.
The winners of the Fitzherz-Beisenek quiz answered the questions correctly and proved themselves worthy of being master book robbers. For the coup, they became accomplices of the author duo. The burglary of the Berlin bookstore "Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus" began at midnight sharp, with the fans stealing the very first copy of "Schreib oder Stirb" from a heavily secured safe. Conspiratorial journey, safe house and getaway included!
Fanexperience 2.0
The "Schreib oder Stirb" website bundled all communication channels as part of the campaign and was fun to use. Fans could play the quiz, read the authors' biographies and pre-order the book. The digital experience coupled with the analog book robbery experience was the key to success, created synergy effects and activated the entire fan base and community of the author duo.