Better late than never - German proverbs

German proverbs are an integral part of our everyday language and carry a deep cultural meaning. They are often short, concise and get to the heart of complex wisdom. These sayings are not only an expression of tradition and experience, but also a reflection of our cultural identity. They have been with us for generations and are passed on from mouth to mouth, which gives them a certain timelessness. Whether humorous, wise or admonishing - proverbs are a powerful means of conveying messages and values in a way that goes straight to the heart.

In a world that is increasingly globalized and digitalized, German proverbs serve as an anchor to our roots and our history. They remind us of the wisdom and life experiences that have been passed down from generation to generation. These proverbs are not only present in everyday language, but also find their place in advertising and marketing, where they help to communicate messages clearly and memorably. By returning to these traditional forms of expression, we are preserving a piece of our cultural identity while bringing authentic and familiar elements into modern communication.

Our German proverbs:

First the work, then the pleasure.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Old love never rusts.

One should not praise the day before the evening.

Shards bring good luck.

No pain, no gain.

Brevity is the spice of life.

Like father like son.

Luck in the game and bad luck in love.

He who digs a pit for others falls into it himself.

You can't look a gift horse in the mouth.

What loves each other, teases each other.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Everyone is the architect of their own fortune.

Lies have short legs.

If you don't come at the right time, you have to take what's left.

When two people quarrel, the third is happy.

The exception proves the rule.

What lasts a long time will finally be good.

All good things come in threes.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Whoever says A must also say B.

Still waters run deep.

One hand washes the other.

Talk is silver, silence is golden.

The early bird catches the worm.

As you do to me, so I do to you.

The later the evening, the more beautiful the guests.

Many cooks spoil the broth.

Dogs that bark don't bite.

The sound makes the music.

If you want to be beautiful, you have to suffer.

All good things come from above.

Life is not a pony farm.

Attack is the best defense.

It's not all evening yet.